Fitness & weight loss workout plan success with Sakaso
What is it that makes us drop out of our fitness programs? We all have such good intentions, but then we quit. If you want to know how to stay in the game how to get fit and get healthy, then watch this video.
Why can’t we STAY on a fitness or weight loss workout plan?
I love to exercise. I just love that feeling of being healthy and fit right? It just feels good, I’m able to keep the weight down, and just everything is great. But for so many years, I was chronically ill and I could not exercise. And because I loved it so much, it made it even harder still right?
And then the thing is it's really weird because even when I got better enough that I was able to do some exercise, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't stay on the program. I would try to get on and then I would just stop. It happened again and again. And that also happened with the weight right? So I would lose some pounds and then I would gain them right back again so it just wasn't working.
Muscle testing can find hidden limiting subconscious thoughts that are blocking us from achieving our goals
But Satomi and I did some muscle tests and found out what was blocking me and preventing me from staying on an exercise program. What was preventing me from staying fit and keeping the weight down and all that good stuff.
The thing that was blocking me was that I was subconsciously always prioritizing work. I even had a reminder on my phone to work to exercise and I’d see the reminder and I’d blow it off because I’d want to keep working. Because I want to just keep working and working, I would end up dropping out of my exercise program every time. It just would not work.
But the next question is how to get rid of that subconscious thought that was preventing me from reaching my fitness and weight loss goals?
Sakaso shifted those subconscious thoughts and let me achieve my weight loss and fitness program goals
Satomi and I have a program called Sakaso. Sakaso finds what the subconscious blocks are in the first place, gets rid of them and then also supports you along the process of making that change a new reality in your life. So that's what we did and because of Sakaso, I was able to stay on this exercise program and I’m so psyched about it!
Hiking distance
The chart above shows how far I’ve been able to hike over the last six months. And yes, I’ve been able to stay on this program now for six months! This is incredible! I was only ever able to stay on a program for like a week before and the best I got up to was like 20 minutes on an elliptical. But this is showing you that when I started on this program in April, that I’ve been able to hike all through the entire whole summer. Now it's like it's October and my numbers have gone way up.
Hiking elevation
Back when I started, I was only able to hike like maybe a mile and a half or maybe go up like in elevation like 150 feet before I was tired. And, you know, I was taking breaks. But now I’m able to go like six and a half miles distance and a half a mile up. I mean this is crazy!
And the terrain we're going over ‒ oh my god it is so rough! It's like it's not like it's a smooth path or anything like that. No, this is all jumbly rock.
And I’ve been able to lose over 20 pounds! And I’ve been able to keep it off! And that is crazy!
With Sakaso, I healed so I could continue my fitness program
But our Sakaso program can go way beyond that. I’ve mentioned to you that I had all these chronic illnesses that I’ve been able to heal through our Sakaso program. One of them that's been preventing me from actually staying fit is a chronically inflamed knee. I know a lot of you guys have a lot of inflammation problems. And they get in the way of your fitness programs. That that knee has been able to heal! And it healed using no medication or anything like that. It's it's so exciting for me to actually be able to get out there and participate!
And even beyond that, before I was able to even attempt an exercise program, I had to heal from devastating and disabling diseases / conditions. One of the diseases I was able to heal completely with our Sakaso program is Sarcoidosis. It can attack your ankles and make them weak. Mine were devastated by it, and before there was no way I would have been able to navigate these ankle twisters. At one point I was actually nearly paralyzed, in so much pain, and confined to a wheelchair but now I’m back to my normal self. Over the course of the summer, I could feel the strength in my ankles improving. It’s amazing and I’m so grateful!
Yeah, and on some of these hikes, we’ve been kind of aggressive and gone fast. Oh my God - the feeling I get afterward is SO GOOD!
Next goal: a total body workout program
This program will continue but since it’s fall and the weather isn’t going to be so good for hiking. So I’m planning on starting an overall fitness program. In the next update, I’ll let you know how that new phase is going.
Reach your goals with Sakaso
Do you dream about getting fit, losing weight and being healthy but something keeps stopping you? Do you have a new year's resolution about that stuff but it just doesn't stick?
Your subconscious mind is probably getting in the way.
Our Sakaso program can help you find exactly what it is that's stopping you and derailing your exercise program or your weight loss program. Sakaso can get rid of that issue and then it can support you and make that new change a reality in your life. So you can achieve the goals that you're looking for.
Just schedule a free consultation. And we'll see you soon 😊